Inspecting Your Trees After a Storm: What You Need to Know

It's important to inspect the trees in your garden after a storm or even a quick, intense bout of adverse weather. Damaged trees can be dangerous, so you need to identify hazards and take the necessary action. Some of this work can be done yourself, but severe damage might need to be rectified by a professional tree management company. So what are some types of tree damage that can be expected after a storm, and what should you do about it? [Read More]

Three Signs the Electrocution Risk Is High and You Should Contact a Professional Tree Lopper

If you are lopping your own trees, you need to be aware of a number of different safety elements, and avoiding electrocution is one of them. If you're wondering if you should lop your own trees or leave it to a professional, here are some signs that the risks of electrocution may be high and thus your job may be best left to tree lopping professionals who know how to mitigate those risks. [Read More]

How to Deal with Your Downed Tree in the Aftermath of a Severe Storm

2016 has been a year of severe weather for Australia with longstanding rainfall and temperature records broken in Queensland, arctic winds in New South Wales and Victoria, and ferocious storms battering Australia's east coast. In such severe weather, large trees can become a hazard to the surrounding area, putting power lines, cars, houses and people's lives at risk.  Ideally, if you're expecting wild weather in your area it might be best to call an arborist for tree removal so that they can handle any large trees that might come down in high winds on your property. [Read More]

Why It Could be Time to Bring in Professional Arborists

Do you live in an area that has a fair few trees? If so, you aren't alone. Most Australian homes are within a few metres of trees. Most of the time, these trees provide shade, help the local ecosystem and look beautiful, but sometimes they can pose a threat to properties and people. Thankfully, help is at hand. In fact, arborists can do a lot more than simple medical check-ups on your trees. [Read More]